Young Artist Kicks off PRIDE!

Meet Max. Graphic Designer and Insect Aficionado!

Stand with Trans put out a call to young designers because we wanted a new Pride T-shirt design. Max submitted the winning entry. Here’s a little bit about him and his interests.

Hi. I’m Max Paige. I live in the metro Detroit area of Michigan and am a 15 year-old freshman at Ferndale High School.
I love art, biology and nature. I enjoy drawing, painting, animating and everything related to animals.

My goal is to attend The College of Creative Studies (CCS) in Detroit Michigan.
Next year, I’ll be a sophomore my plan is to take CCS dual enrollment classes to ensure that I achieve my goals.
I have several pets; a Miniature Dachshund named Sophie and a Guinea Pig named Rocky.

Also, I currently own multiple groups of Isopods. Yes- I love insects!!!

In my pastime, I enjoy participating in various art contests. Another goal of mine is
to one day display my art at local art shows in Michigan.

This photo of me is with one of my sketches that was on display at the Oakland Schools Fine Arts Advisory Council’s 2023-2024 District Points of Pride Exhibit at Oakland Schools.

“It is an honor to have my pride t-shirt design selected by Stand with Trans!”




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