Exploring the Gender Presentation of Nonbinary People.

My name is Bailey Otter, and I am a nonbinary undergraduate sociology student at Texas A&M University – Corpus Christi. I am reaching out to ask for help with recruitment for my current research project, “Exploring the Gender Presentation of Nonbinary People.” This is an interview-based project that will help expand the limited field of research surrounding the nonbinary population. I am recruiting individuals throughout the entirety of the United States in hopes of accumulating one of the most robust and diverse samples of nonbinary literature to date, which will allow for a greater understanding of the community within and outside of academia.

As a nonbinary person, this research means a great deal to me, and I hope to utilize the data to create an extensive paper that will make a true impact for the nonbinary community. It would help the project a great deal if you could share this with any individuals you think might be interested in participating.

The research has all been approved via TAMU-CCs Institutional Review Board. The interviews will be conducted via Zoom and will be between 1-1.5 hours. For those interested in participating, they can indicate interest by filling out the informed consent and demographic survey at the following link:https://tamucc.co1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_4I3M0joeabM9eFU

If you have any questions about the project, I would be happy to answer them. You can also reach my faculty mentor, Dr. Daniel Bartholomay, atdaniel.bartholomay@tamucc.edu.

Mailing Address

23332 Farmington Rd #84
Farmington, MI 48336

