
written by Theo Parish.
Published by Harper Alley, 2024

In this comics debut, Theo Parish masterfully weaves an intimate and defiantly hopeful memoir about their journey to find a home within themself.  Combining traditional comics with organic journal-like interludes, Theo takes us through their experiences with the hundred arbitrary and unspoken gender binary rules of high school, from harrowing haircuts and finally the right haircut to the intersection of gender identity and sexuality—and through tiny everyday moments that all led up to Theo finding the term “nonbinary,” which finally struck a chord.  “Have you ever had one of those moments when all of a sudden things become clear…like someone just turned on a light?” A whole spectrum of people will be drawn to Theo’s storytelling, from trans or questioning teens and adults, to folks who devoured Gender Queer by Maia Kobabe or The Fire Never Goes Out by ND Stevenson, to any person looking to dive a little deeper into the way gender can shape identity. Throughout the book, Theo’s crystal-clear voice reminds the reader that it’s okay not to know, it’s okay to change your mind, and it’s okay to take your time finding your way home. “We are all just trying to find a place to call our own. We are all deserving of comfort and safety, a place to call home.”

Some of my favorite quotes from this book include:

  • Finally being about to articulate this thing, that for so long, you had no idea how to express… is a blessing. It feels like finally being able to release a deep breath.  One you didn’t even realize you were holding.
  • Blossoming in an environment where the odds are stacked so immeasurable against you … is a beautiful act of defiance.
  • When people live and are celebrated … when they are truly embraced and are elevated … as themselves … their whole selves … they radiate the most pure form of joy I have ever witnessed.
  • It’s no coincidence that the closer I got with myself … my true, authentic self … the closer I got to those around me.
  • Changing my name sort of felt like finding the last piece of the puzzle in figuring out who I am.
  • They say that ‘Your body is a temple,’ but mine has felt more like a rental. A place to exist, not to flourish.  One that came already furnished with that wallpaper you just learn to live with.  But don’t get me wrong, I am thankful for all the things this house has given me, but I dream of the day that I’m free, to rebuild in my image, to choose wallpaper that suits me, the day I will call this house home.


Theo Parish (they/them) is a cartoonist currently living in Norwich, England, with their three cats.  Driven by a passion for creating the kinds of stories they longed to see as a kid, Theo’s work is inspired by their love of fantasy and their experiences moving through the world as a queer and neurodivergent person.  Here are links  to videos featuring Theo Parish discussing their comic memoir, Homebody:

Theo can be found on Instagram @theoblue.jpg.

This book review was submitted by Stand with Trans
advocate Barb Shumer, who is a past board member and
retired public librarian.

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23332 Farmington Rd #84
Farmington, MI 48336

