Trans Lifeline Library:


How To Choose A Doctor


How To Choose A Doctor


One of the best resources for finding doctors that are trans-competent is other trans people in your area! Don’t be afraid to ask for recommendations in local online groups if you don’t personally know other trans folks, or you can reach out to your local LGBT center to ask for their recommendations. This can be one of the fastest ways to narrow your search down. If someone’s had a particularly positive or negative experience, they’ll be sure to let you know.

If the trans-friendly provider you’re trying to see is not taking new patients or has a waitlist, you can always ask them if they’d recommend any other providers in your area. Just because they aren’t able to treat you, doesn’t mean that they aren’t willing or able to help you–they may know of other gender-affirming care providers who don’t advertise those services as openly.

WPATH maintains a directory of all their providers, and the LGBTQ Healthcare Directory is another great resource to help find affirming healthcare providers.

Some green flags to watch out for–does your doctor’s office allow you to identify your gender identity and pronouns (besides just biological sex)? In your interactions with the office and medical staff, do they respect your name and pronouns? Do you leave your appointment feeling properly heard and cared for, whether your ailment is related to trans healthcare or not? If so, you may have found a trans-friendly doctor’s office.


WebMD–Finding A Transgender-Friendly Doctor

WPATH–Provider Directory Search

LGBTQ Healthcare Directory (Formerly GLMA)

Queering Medicine–Provider Directory (Lansing, MI area)

Folx Health–How to Find a Trans-Competent Therapist

Transgender Michigan–TransPages, Doctors (Michigan Counties)

Southern Equality–Trans in the South: A Directory of Trans-Affirming Health & Legal Services Providers

Stand With Trans–Talking To Your Pediatrician or Family Doctor

Hormone Health Network–Infographic

Interact Advocates–Know Your Rights When Seeking Care As An Intersex Person

Trans-ilience–Michigan Resource Map


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