Trans Lifeline Library:


WPATH & Informed Consent


WPATH & Informed Consent


Informed Consent


Informed consent (IC) is a model of treatment that was created and advocated for by transgender people. Informed consent relies on the trans person to know themselves best–basically, if you know that you are trans, and you know that you’d like to pursue certain treatment options and can demonstrate competency about those things, it’s likely that an IC provider will grant them. While informed consent surgeons are rare, informed consent HRT is becoming more and more common.

Many Planned Parenthood locations now offer informed consent HRT for people 18+, and they’re continuing to roll this service out to more of their locations. If your local clinic doesn’t offer HRT yet, you can still request that they introduce that service to your area, and let them know that it is a resource that’s needed in your community.

Receiving HRT on an informed consent/non-WPATH basis is typically reserved for patients who are over 18. For many folks, this can be an easier way to access hormones, especially if the WPATH process does not feel good to them, or if their parents did not consent to starting HRT before age 18



Planned Parenthood of MI–Gender Affirming Hormone Therapy

Planned Parenthood–United States

Kind Clinic–Informed Consent, Gender Affirming Care for 16+ in Texas

Google Maps–Community Created, Map of Informed Consent Clinics

Erin’s Map of Informed Consent Providers

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