Trans Lifeline Library:
Care Providers
These articles were written by some of our trusted care providers, to further the understanding and education available to other medical and mental health professionals, as part of a grant aimed at reducing LGBTQ+ health disparities.
Image: OHSU
Articles & Discussion
Disorders of Sex Development / Intersex
Written by Dr. Daniel Shumer
This article provides an overview of disorders of sex development (DSD), a phrase used for conditions where a person is born with reproductive or sexual anatomy that doesn’t fit the typical definitions of male or female. The term intersex is also sometimes used to describe these conditions.
Trans Healthcare: FAQ and Myth Dispelling
for Healthcare Providers
Written by Noelle Martin
The purpose of this article is to answer questions and dispel common misconceptions that healthcare providers might have about treating and interacting with transgender patients. This article was written in alignment with Stand with Trans’ vision statement: to erase the stigma surrounding transgender identities.
Gender Stereotyping and Gender
Minority Stress
Written by Gretta Strand
The experiences of gender stereotyping for transgender individuals are complicated and nuanced due to the many ways that these individuals can encounter such stereotyping: in regard to the sex at which they were assigned at birth, in regard to their expressed gender identity, and in regard to them having a gender identity that is different from the sex they were assigned at birth.
Developmental evolution of gender identity in
youth and disarming “De-Transition” narratives
Written by Dr. Kade Goepferd
The risks of increased visibility of transgender
and gender diverse youth…
As our society gains more understanding and language around gender identity and gender expression, the young people who identity as transgender or gender diverse have become increasingly visible in our communities and schools. While change is happening slowly to embrace and support the 1-3% of youth who identify as transgender (Herman, 2022), too many transgender and gender diverse young people still face lack of support, including outright discrimination, when it comes to…
What I Want My Doctor to Know
Written and compiled by Ellen Knoppow
An informal survey of 13 trans and nonbinary individuals revealed their perspectives on interactions with healthcare providers. Participants, representing a wide range of backgrounds, were invited by Stand with Trans to participate via the SwT newsletter.
Not surprisingly, the respondents indicated that most importantly, being treated as an individual is paramount. That’s experienced differently for each person, but for many, it was central to whether or not they felt their identity was affirmed at…
National Resources:
Gender Spectrum–12 Easy Steps on The Way to
Gender Inclusiveness
Gender Spectrum–Framework for Gender Inclusive Schools
Gender Spectrum–Discussing Gender Identity with Kids
Gender Spectrum–Gender Across The Grades
GLSEN–Ready, Set, Respect Elementary Toolkit (PDF)
GLSEN–Professional Development
GLSEN–Resources for Supportive Administrators
Gender Inclusive Schools–State-Level Policy Guidance
HRC Welcoming Schools–Resources for Gender and LGBTQ+ Inclusive Schools
HRC Welcoming Schools–Gender Support Checklist for Transgender
and Non-Binary Students
HRC Welcoming Schools–Considerations for Creating A Gender
Support Plan
HRC–Advocating for LGBTQ Students With Disabilities
National Center for Lesbian Rights–Beyond The Binary: A Toolkit
for Gender Activism in Schools
Anti Defamation League–Books Matter, Children’s and
Young Adult Literature
Anti Defamation League–Unheard Voices: Stories of LGBT History
Michigan Department of Education–When Bias Gets In The Way
Resource List
My Trans Voice–Supporting Transgender and GNC Students
Campus Pride–23 Ways to Put Trans Advocacy Into Action
US Department of Justice–Title IX Legal Manual
Care Providers Videos
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23332 Farmington Rd #84
Farmington, MI 48336