Trans Lifeline Library:
Self Discovery and Self Affirmation
I Think I Might Be Trans
Trans Youth
Self Discovery and Self Affirmation
I Think I Might Be Trans
When you’re first beginning to question if you might be trans, it’s okay to feel a wide range of feelings–some positive, some negative, and some that you might not be sure how to identify. It’s important to remember that wherever you find yourself in the gender sphere, you are still your wonderful, worthy self.
There isn’t a test that can definitely tell you if you’re cis or trans. Some people are sure right away, some people take more time on the road to self-discovery, and some people find out that their identity may shift over time, or that there may be another label that feels like a better fit later. It’s never too late, too early, or too often to check in with yourself and your relationship to gender.
Stand With Trans offers several support groups, as well as an Ally Parents program, in case you need support from your peers or from a parent of a fellow trans person. You don’t need to already know your exact gender identity to participate–you’re welcome to join and participate even if you’re curious or questioning!
Gender dysphoria is not a requirement to identify as trans, and you’re not any less valid if you don’t experience it often (or at all). Many folks feel that gender euphoria, or the positive feeling you get from doing things that align with your gender identity, may be a better metric. For example, someone who identifies as trans male may not experience dysphoria simply from seeing their chest, but they may feel a huge spike in joy, comfort, or self-esteem when they use a binder. Another example of euphoria is the affirmed feeling a nonbinary person may get when their family uses their they/them pronouns correctly.
You are still a good person, and you’re a human being deserving of respect, kindness, and validation. There is nothing wrong with being trans. You are exactly whoever you are meant to be, you add value to the world by being here, you are lovable and loved, and you deserve to be celebrated
Stand With Trans–Ally Parent Program
Stand With Trans–Support Groups
Gender Spectrum–Understanding Gender
Gender Spectrum–Myths About Gender
Trans 101–Gender Diversity Crash Course–Resources on Personal Pronouns
GLSEN–Gender Triangle Education Guide (PDF)
Trans Awareness Project–Transgender Etiquette
TransTorah–Trans Etiquette/Respect/Support 101
GLSEN–Gender Terminology Activity and Guide
Everyday Feminism–What They Don’t Tell You About Being Transgender (CW: Language)
Advocates For Youth– I Think I Might Be Trans (PDF) (Spanish)
Advocates For Youth–I’m Muslim and My Gender Doesn’t Fit Me (PDF) (Arabic)
Everyday Feminism–Help! I Think I Might Be Non-Binary, But How Can I Know?
HRC–What Does The Bible Say About Transgender People?
HRC–7 Things About Transgender People That You Didn’t Know
The Trevor Project–Diversity of Non-Binary Youth
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