Press Releases & News
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Press Release: Stand with Trans Expands Support Group Offerings to Upper Peninsula
Stand with Trans Expands Support Group Offerings to Upper PeninsulaDecember 5, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Cameron Parkins (he/him)Communications Managercam@standwithtrans.org313-618-6595 Stand with Trans Expands Support Group Offerings to Upper Peninsula New,...
Press Release: #HateWontWin Coalition Celebrates Big Equality Wins in Michigan
#HateWontWin Coalition Celebrates Big Equality Wins in MichiganFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE: November 9, 2022Erin Knott, 269.910.6909 #HateWontWin Coalition Celebrates Big Equality Wins in Michigan The newly elected pro-equality majority...
Change to Stand with Trans Board
Changes to Stand with Trans Board!We are excited to share that Tiffany Bloss was elected the President of the Stand with Trans Board of Directors in Summer 2022! She replaces Roz Keith, who had managed the dual role as Executive Director and Board President...
Press Release: Trans Empowerment Month THRIVE 365 Returns in October 2022!
Trans Empowerment Month: THRIVE 365 Returns in October 2022September 1, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Danica Emry (she/they/he)Program Managerdewy@standwithtrans.org248.907.4853 Trans Empowerment Month: THRIVE 365 Returns for October 2022 THRIVE 365 celebrates...
Stand With Trans and IMD Health announce partnership to improve the quality of patient education
Stand With Trans and IMD Health announce partnership to improve the quality of patient educationFor immediate release August 2, 2022 – Toronto, ON Stand with Trans is pleased to announce an important new partnership with IMD Health. IMD Health is one of the largest...
Transgender Lifeline Library Made Possible Due to HOPE Fund Grant
Transgender Lifeline Library Made Possible Due to HOPE Fund Grant Virtual Library will provide comprehensive resources and recommendations for the trans youth communityFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Roz KeithExecutive Directorroz@standwithtrans.org248-739-9254...
Stand with Trans Seeks to Add Board Members
Stand with Trans Seeks New Members for Board of DirectorsHave a passion for serving trans youth? Contact us!Are you passionate about the well-being of transgender youth and their families? Do you have a skills or a background in fundraising, finance/accounting, social...
Stand with Trans Expands Support Group Offerings
Stand with Trans Expands Support Group OfferingsNew support group for 18-24 year old trans feminine young adultsFOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Cameron Parkins [he/him]Communications Managercam@standwithtrans.org313-618-6595 Farmington, MI - Stand with Trans has...
Trans/Nonbinary Teen Writers Wanted!
Posted by Cameron Parkins Help wanted! Stand with Trans is creating a teen-led digital newspaper. The goal of this publication is to provide a platform to showcase stories andart by you! Published issues willalso give allies insight into the lives of transgender and...
LGBTQ+ High School Students Invited to Upcoming Online College Fair
Posted by Cameron Parkins LGBTQ+ High School Students Invited to Upcoming OnlineCollege Fair April 10, 2022 FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE Contact: Danica Emry Weylyn (she/they)Program Managerdewy@standwithtrans.org248.907.4853 LGBTQ+ High School Students Invited to...
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Farmington, MI 48336